49 research outputs found

    تحليل وتوقعات استهلاك الطاقة في القطاع المنزلي في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة

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    Energy sector is considered to be one of the most important components of a country's infrastructure and a key indicator of the standard of living. Energy consumption reflects upon population growth, living standard, and the level of development in all aspects of life. It is of utmost importance to study the current situation of energy consumption for developing energy plans and policies and to provide the decision makers with adequate tools for optimal management of the electrical sectors. This paper presents the current energy situation in GS and WB. Scenarios for future consumption are developed. The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model (LEAP) is the simulation model used for the analysis of the data. The approach for exploring the energy sector in WB and GS consists of a historical retrospective study with a limited-time data series. : . . . . The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model (LEAP). .يعتبر قطاع الطاقة من أهم مكونات البنية التحتية للبلاد و مؤشر مهم لمستوي المعيشة. استهلاك الطاقة يعكس تأثير النمو السكاني والمستوى المعيشي وارتفاع مستوى التنمية في مجالات الحياة المختلفة. دراسة الاتجاه العام الحالي لمؤثرات و طرق استهلاك الطاقة في قطاع غزة و الضفة الغربية ضروري جدا لتحديد خطط و سياسات الطاقة المستقبلية و لتعطي أصحاب القرار الأدوات الفعالة للإدارة المثلي لقطاع الطاقة. ورقة العمل هذه تقدم دراسة عن استهلاك الطاقة في قطاع غزة و الضفة الغربية و تقدم تصور عن الاستهلاك المستقبلي. البرنامج المستخدم لتحليل البيانات ودراستها هوThe Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model (LEAP). سير قطاع الطاقة في قطاع غزة و الضفة الغربية اعتمد علي طريقة الاسترجاع التاريخي و المعلومات الزمنية المحدودة

    A Novel Elliptically Shaped Compact Planar Ultra-Wideband Antenna

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    A low profile planar elliptically shaped antenna for ultra-wide band applications is presented. The antenna consists of a conducting patch, a dielectric substrate and a partial conducting ground plane. The patch has the shape of modified elliptical rings and excited using a rectangular edge-fed microstrip feed line. The antenna size is 45mm x 23 mm. The impedance bandwidth of the antenna extends from 3.5 GHz to 10.6 GHz, thus meeting the UWB system requirement

    Rectangular waveguide radiator miniaturization using electromagnetic infinity-shaped metamaterial resonator

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    A miniaturized open-ended rectangular waveguide antenna radiating below the cut-off frequency of the waveguide is proposed. Waveguide miniaturization is achieved by periodically loading the antenna with electromagnetic metamaterial (MTM) consisting of infinity shaped resonators. The metamaterial gives the waveguide the ability to support propagation of the backward wave below the cut-off frequency. The proposed open waveguide radiator was designed, optimized and simulated using High Frequency Structure Simulator HFSSTM commercial software. Comparing previous work of miniaturization of waveguides, a higher miniaturization ratio with a bandwidth about 327 MHz and good matching was obtained. Keywords:Waveguide miniaturization, left-handed media, metamaterials

    A Clinical Score to Predict Acute Renal Failure after Cardiac Surgery in Egypt

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    Background: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery is a serious complication. AKI could occur in 30% of patients, and 1-5% develop severe kidney injury. The present study aimed to evaluate the use of the Cleveland Clinic Score (CCS) to identify patients at higher risk of AKI after cardiac surgery. Methods: This study included 100 patients, 83 were males, and the mean age was 52.47±11.3 years. All patients had elective operations; 30% had isolated valve surgery, 64% had isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and 6% had combined CABG and valve operation. Results: Creatinine serum level ranged between 0.5-2 mg/dL with a mean of 0.98±0.32 mg/dL. Seventy-four patients had good renal function postoperatively, and their CCS was 1.45±0.36, while 26 patients had renal impairment, and their CCS was 12.5±0.44 (P= 0.001). Patients who had AKI were older (62.87±8.7 vs. 49.9±13.9; P<0.001) and had higher preoperative creatinine (1.1±0.32 vs. 0.94±0.31; P= 0.03). AKI was more common in diabetics (23 (88.5%) vs. 28 (37.85, P<0.001) and patients with COPD (6 (23.1%) vs. 3 (4.1%); P= 0.004). CCS score was significantly higher among the different degrees of severity of AKI. Conclusion: Cleveland Clinic Score could be good for predicting acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery

    Analysis and Design of E-shape Meander Line Antenna for LTE Mobile Communications

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    the meander line antenna (MLA) is an electrically small antenna. Electrically small antennas pose several performance related issues such as narrow bandwidth, low gain and high cross polarization levels. In this paper, we analysis and design an E-shape MLA as anew shape to achieve wider bandwidth and smaller gain at 2.5 GHz compared to the classical MLA. Parametric study has been done for the effect of changing each variable in the antenna structure and study the effect of this change on the antenna performance. The best` performance of separate variables is combined at the end which give suboptimal design. Professional design software (HFSS) is used to design and optimize the antenna and MATLAB codes were written to determine the resonant frequency and the bandwidth for each study in this paper

    HPV and Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis: A Brief Review

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    Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP) is a rare but severe manifestation of human papillomavirus (HPV). As our knowledge about HPV infections has expanded, it has become possible to understand the course of RRP disease and unravel plausible efficient methods to manage the disease. However, the surge in reports on HPV has not been accompanied by a similar increase in research about RRP specifically. In this paper, we review the clinical manifestation and typical presentation of the illness. In addition, the pathogenesis and progression of the disease are described. On the other hand, we discuss the types of treatments currently available and future treatment strategies. The role of vaccination in both the prevention and treatment of RRP will also be reviewed. We believe this review is essential to update the general knowledge on RRP with the latest information available to date to enhance our understanding of RRP and its management

    Effect of Peers’ Application of Modified Peyton’s Four –Step Approach Versus Traditional Learning on Pediatric Nursing Students' Performance

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    Background: Effective learner-centric innovative learning strategies are now being utilized to encourage active student participation, creative thinking and improve the problem-solving abilities of them. One of these strategies is modified Peyton’s four-step approach, in which students, learn from their peers through repeated observations of the procedure. It involves active student participation, where the student takes responsibility for their peers learning. It helps students mastering the academic skills, encourages more positive attitudes toward learning, gains a deeper understanding of the subject area, develops a more positive self-image, and improves their attitudes toward faculty and teachers. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of peers’ application of modified Peyton’s four-step approach versus traditional learning on pediatric nursing students' performance. Setting: The study was carried out in pediatric nursing laboratories at the Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University. Subjects: The subjects of present study comprised of "78" students divided randomly into "study and control" groups 36 students in each, in addition to 6 students who act as tutors and teach their peers. Tools: Three tools were used, namely, Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Performance Observational Checklist, Modified Peyton’s Four-Step Approach Tutors' Satisfaction Assessment Scale and Modified Peyton’s Four-Step Approach Tutees' Satisfaction Assessment Scale. Results: The study revealed a statistical significant difference between the study and control groups in relation to performing neonatal CPR procedure immediately after applying modified Peyton’s four-step approach by peers (P= 0.000*). Conclusion: It can be concluded that applying modified Peyton’s four-step approach by peers as a method of teaching has a positive effect on the clinical performance of pediatric nursing students. Recommendation: The main recommendation of current study was to apply modified Peyton’s four-step approach by peers as an innovative method of teaching in all academic nursing departments at the Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University and Damanhour University. Keywords: Modified Peyton’s four-step approach, Tutees, Tutors, Peer Learning, Pediatric Nursing, Students’ Performance, Neonatal Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/69-09 Publication date: December 31st 201